2021 General Assembly – Call For Nominations Extended to August 1

The 2021 General Assembly of The Barbados Olympic Association Inc. (“the BOA”) will be held on Wednesday, September 1, 2021. The Notice convening the General Assembly will be given at a later date in accordance with the By-laws. Every precaution is being taken to manage the risk of exposure to COVID-19.

Nominations for the election of one Director are open and must be submitted to the Secretary General BY 4:30 PM ON SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 2021.

The post of Director for which nominations are being sought has been vacant since October 2020 when the then incumbent vacated office to assume another post on the Board.

The following shall apply to the election to be held at the 2021 General Assembly:

  1. All candidates must be individuals/natural persons.
  2. The successful candidate will be required to comply with the BOA’s Code of Ethics.
    In addition, all candidates are required to comply with the provisions of the Code applicable to election campaigns. A copy of the Code may be found on the BOA’s website www.olympic.org.bb. The section of the Code dealing with elections provides that:
    ……(a) All BOA Parties shall respect the democratic election process of the BOA and not
    ………..offer any material benefits, directly or indirectly, to the voting constituencies to
    ………..influence the result of an election.
    ……(b) All election campaigns shall be carried out with honesty, dignity, moderation and

    ………..respect for the opponents and other BOA Parties.
    ……(c) No support or service in relation to a candidature may be requested from any BOA

    ………..Staff and the obligation of BOA Staff to maintain strict neutrality among Candidates
    ………..shall be respected.
  3. In keeping with the BOA’s schedule of retirement by rotation, the successful candidate will be elected for the unexpired term ending 2022, that is for a term of one year, and, if qualified, will be eligible for re-election for terms of three years.
  4. A candidate for the post of Director must be:
    ……(a) a member in good standing of either an Olympic Sport National Federation or a
    …………Non-Olympic Sport National Federation at the time of his/her nomination and
    …………election, and;
    ……(b) proposed and seconded by either an Olympic Sport National Federation or a
    …………Non-Olympic Sport National Federation.
  5. Candidates do not have to be members of the National Federation which nominates them. However, the nominating National Federations must be members in good standing with the BOA with a right to nominate. A list of the Olympic Sport National Federations and Non-Olympic Sport National Federations eligible to nominate candidates is attached in the Appendix.
  6. Please be reminded that each member of the BOA is entitled to ONE vote. Therefore each National Federation may propose or second only ONE person for the post of Director.
  7. The Nominee’s membership of an Olympic Sport National Federation or Non- Olympic Sport National Federation must be verified by the relevant National Federation.
  8. A short biographical profile of not more than 300 words and a note signed by the Nominee indicating his/her consent to the nomination and willingness to serve if elected must be submitted with the nomination.
  9. Nominations will not be valid unless the following documents are submitted by the deadline mentioned in paragraph 9:
    ……(a) Nomination Form signed by authorized signatories of the proposing and
    …………seconding National Federations and bearing their official stamp;
    ……(b) Verification of Membership Form signed by an authorized signatory of the
    …………relevant National Federation;
    ……(c) Consent Form signed by the Nominee;
    ……(d) Nominee’s short biographical profile of not more than 300 words.
  10. The Nomination Form, Verification of Membership Form and Consent Form are attached. These completed and signed Forms, together with the candidate’s short biographical profile, must be received by the Secretary General BY 4:30 PM ON FRIDAY, JULY 23, 2021 at one of the addresses listed below:
  11. The Nomination Form, Verification of Membership Form and Consent Form are attached. These completed and signed Forms, together with the candidate’s short biographical profile, must be received by the Secretary General BY 4:30 PM ON SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 2021 by email to info@olympic.org.bb.
  12. All nominations will be checked by the BOA’s Auditor’s. Incomplete nominations will not be accepted. It is the responsibility of each candidate to ensure that his/her nomination complies with the above requirements.