Olympic Day

On 23 June, Olympic Day is celebrated all around the world: hundreds of thousands of people – young and old – participate in sports activities, such as runs, exhibitions, music and educational seminars. 

Every year, the BOA organises an activity or series of activities that bring out the people of Barbados to join the rest of the world in celebrating Olympic Day. 

Olympic Day was introduced in 1948 to commemorate the birth of the modern Olympic Games. The goal of Olympic Day is to promote participation in sport regardless of age, gender or athletic ability.

Since being introduced, Olympic Day has promoted the idea of Olympism across the world. Activities are ogranised by the National Olympic Committee (NOC) in each country. 

Move, Learn, Discover.

Under the theme of ‘Move, Learn, Discover,’ Olympic Day activities are designed to encourage movement, promote learning and facilitate discovering something new.