Games Guidelines


  • The Games will commence on Nov 16 and will close on Dec11, 2016.
  • The BOA will be responsible for the overall management and organization of the Games and for final disciplinary control.
  • All competitions will be under the management and technical control of the relevant Sport Federation. Competition rules must be submitted to the BOA’s organizing committee by September 30.
  • Each participating sport will be required to identify a most outstanding male and female athlete, who will be designated the 50th Anniversary Independence Champion.



  • National Federations (NF) shall determine the eligibility for participation by athletes in their competitions. It may be open to everyone, or restricted to specific classes of competitors. Any restrictions must be submitted to the BOA’s organizing committee by September 30.
  • The deadline date for the registration of ALL athletes and officials is September 30, 2016.



  • BOA will be responsible for Games quality control. Participating NFs that fail the quality tests may not be allowed to participate in the Games.
  • Additionally, the 50th anniversary championship medals will NOT be presented where quality standards are not met.



  • A BOA quality team will monitor and score each event, and the results will be published. The NF producing the highest score will be awarded, while any scoring poorly may be excluded from future games, and could forfeit the presentation of 50th Anniversary medals.


Competition Rules


  • All competition details are to be completed and submitted to the organizing committee at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the events.
  • An approved rendition of the National Anthem should be played at the commencement of each sport competition.
  • Athletes and officials must be properly attired as would be expected at an international event.
  • All activities should begin and end as scheduled, and should include a Master of Ceremonies to keep audiences informed.
  • Events will be monitored and scored for quality.
  • Discipline will be a high priority item during all Games events and there will be very low tolerance for indiscipline.
  • Events should be organized to be ‘TV-ready’ in terms of venue presentation and athlete and official deportment.
  • The highest possible standard of competition is expected at all times.