The candidature process for MEMOS XXVI (August 2023 – September 2024) is open and interested persons are being invited to apply.
MEMOS is an Executive Masters in Sport Organisation Management. The mission of MEMOS is to help professionals working in national or international sports bodies to develop the knowledge required in order to better manage their organizations.
Each course consists of modules focusing on specific aspects of sports management (for example, strategic management and governance; project and event management). A key element of the course is the development of a project which should directly benefit the participant’s organization. Therefore, participants and their organizations must discuss and agree on an appropriate MEMOS project before applying.
Attached are the MEMOS XXVI Brochure and Leaflet with information about the programme. Further details may be obtained at
The Barbados Olympic Association Inc. (BOA) will recommend one candidate for an Olympic Solidarity Scholarship to pursue this course. Interested candidates should submit an application to the Director, National Olympic Academy at (cc: by Thursday, 27 April 2023 with the following documents:
▪ Cover letter describing their involvement in sport and explaining their interest in MEMOS (pdf format);
▪ Curriculum vitae (pdf format);
▪ Copy of Barbados ID card (jpg format);
▪ Information about their MEMOS project (pdf format);
▪ Recommendation letter from their National Federation (pdf format) – should include a brief synopsis of the candidate’s involvement in the particular sport and sport in general;
▪ Copy of completed MEMOS Application (pdf format) – email received from MEMOS.
Admission Requirements
▪ Significant experience in management in a sport organization;
▪ A relevant university degree or comparable professional experience as judged by the MEMOS selection committee.
Applicants should be prepared to attend an interview on a date to be announced.