Please be advised that the Museum Tour Week which was scheduled to start Monday, March 23 2020 has been cancelled until further notice. 

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

This March 23-27, The Barbados Olympic Association Inc. will be hosting a Museum Tour Week at the Olympic Museum, Wildey. 

Join us for a hands-on, educational and inspiring tour that features a collection of exhibits showcasing the history of sport in Barbados.  #Love4Sport and #Love4Country #Olympics #TeamBarbados #Sports #Musuem

Tour dates: Monday, March 23, Wednesday, March 25 and Friday, March 27.

Tour times: 9:00 am, 1:00 pm (12:30 pm on Wednesday) or 5:00 pm.

Book your tour by visiting:\

Book Museum Tour >>

Maximum 15 persons per slot.*

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